1. Climate change strategy
Understanding that the protection of the global environment is essential for the survival of the human race and important for the continuity of corporate activities, we push forward with efforts to protect the environment as an important element of all management activities.
In our activities to protect the environment and prevent pollution, we set reduction targets for the achievement of a carbon neutral society by 2050 and push forward with initiatives to achieve these targets.
Further, we will strive to develop and supply products that will help reduce energy consumption that will be the linchpin of the future energy society.

2. Metrics and targets
At the Tokai Konetsu Kogyo Group, we are engaged in initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030 (compared to the 2018 level), toward the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050.
Note: Subject to Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions

3. Major future initiatives for reducing CO2 emissions
⋅Introducing renewable energy (introducing solar power generation and using of renewable energy sources)
⋅Improving the efficiency of production processes
⋅Energy saving activities for general purpose equipment (Renewal of energy-saving equipment, switching to LED Lighting.)